Attention Health Seekers: Feeling Fatigued, Flabby, Forgetful?

Break Free From Chronic Health Struggles: Heal Don't Just Cope!

  • Discover how motivated adults can address energy, gut health & hormonal imbalances naturally – so they can reclaim their vitality and achieve profound health transformations

  • Uncover the 7 key areas affecting your energy, vitality, and peak performance that most doctors overlook

  • Learn why conventional lab tests often miss critical imbalances and how our "Test, Don't Guess" approach can reveal the true state of your health

  • Discover how to break free from the cycle of prescription medications and find real, lasting solutions to your health challenges


The Seven Key Stressors Holding Back Your Energy & Vitality

Hormones Mini-Masterclass
  • HOW to identify hidden signs of Hormonal imbalances, Energy depletion, Attitude shifts, Lifestyle stressors, Inflammation, Nutritional deficiencies, and Gut health issues draining your vitality and resilience

  • WHICH advanced tests can reveal your true health status

  • – from hormone panels to nutrient levels, inflammatory markers, and microbiome analysis – to diagnose & prevent issues before they escalate

  • WHAT essential information you need about each HEALING factor to achieve optimal wellness, even if you don't exhibit obvious symptoms

  • HOW to find a healthcare provider who understands and can effectively address all 7 HEALING factors for comprehensive, root-cause focused care

Meet Dr. Wanda Bedinghaus, MD, IFMCP

Dr. Wanda Bedinghaus, MD, IFMCP

Known to her patients as Dr. B, Wanda Bedinghaus, MD, graduated from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School and has had her own practice for 23 years. She is co-founder of Healing Unleashed in Lakewood, CO - serving Edgewater, Wheat Ridge, Pleasant View, Morrison & the Greater Denver area.

In 2019, she became a certified practitioner through the Institute for Functional Medicine, concluding 7 years of specialized training in digestive disorders, and gut-related metabolic, hormonal and brain disorders.

Functional medicine is becoming the medicine for the 21st century, because we don’t get stuck trying to fix one symptom at a time with a pill. We look for underlying causes of illness that help us discover how multiple symptoms can stem from a few root causes.


3 Important Facts About Longevity & Healthy Aging

Embrace Preventative Care for Lifelong

Why wait for illness to disrupt your life? Investing in preventative medicine is not only cost-effective but also vital for avoiding severe health crises like heart attacks, strokes, or emergency surgeries. By choosing a proactive approach to peak health, you ensure you're not just surviving, but thriving, well into your later years. It's about maintaining quality of life, not just extending it.

Prioritize Your Brain Health for a Brighter Future

Did you know that cognitive decline and memory issues often stem from cumulative, unchecked stressors over time? The good news is that with early detection and innovative regenerative therapies, aging doesn't have to mean cognitive impairment. Protecting your brain health starts today, with steps that not only slow down the aging process but also enhance your mental clarity and longevity.

Test, Don't Guess: The Precision Path to Wellness

Your health is as unique as your fingerprint. Why settle for a one-size-fits-all approach when you can have tailored health strategies? Through advanced cardiac testing, genetic analysis, and the exploration of nutrigenomics and hormonal balances, we pinpoint the exact causes of your health concerns. This precision allows us to craft lifestyle adjustments, ensuring that you live not just longer, but better.